Traditional Espresso Machines

Choose the right traditional espresso machine for your application.

Traditional espresso machines are commonly found in coffee shops and restaurants. When selecting an espresso machine, it's important to consider factors such as budget, volume, available space, group operation type, and steaming features. Decisions regarding the number of group heads, whether to opt for semi-automatic or auto-volumetric group operation, auto-steam capabilities, and choosing between single heat-exchange boilers or dual boilers can be overwhelming. That's where we come in to help.


Download our free Guide to Traditional Espresso Machines. For a competitive bid on your equipment needs or to talk with someone to determine the right piece of equipment for you, call us today.



Our traditional espresso machines:



Volume: Medium to High

Barista Training: Intermediate to Advanced

Price: Premium

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La Marzocco Strada S

La Marzocco Strada S

Volume: Medium to High

Barista Training: Intermediate

Number of Groups: 2 or 3

Configurations: AV or ABR

Price: Premium

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La Marzocco Strada

La Marzocco Strada

Volume: Medium to High

Barista Training: Intermediate

Number of Groups: 2 or 3

Configurations: AV, MP or EE

Price: Premium

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La Marzocco KB90

La Marzocco KB90

Volume: High

Barista Training: Intermediate

Number of Groups: 2 or 3

Configurations: AV or ABR

Price: Premium

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La Marzocco GB5 S

La Marzocco GB5 S

Volume: Medium to High

Barista Training: Intermediate

Number of Groups: 2, 3 or 4

Configurations: AV, EE, or ABR

Price: Premium

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La Marzocco Linea PB

La Marzocco Linea PB

Volume: High

Barista Training: Intermediate

Number of Groups: 2, 3 or 4

Configurations: AV or ABR

Price: Premium

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La Marzocco Linea Classic S

La Marzocco Linea Classic S

Volume: Medium to High

Barista Training: Intermediate

Number of Groups: 1, 2, 3 or 4

Configurations: AV or EE

Price: Premium

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La Marzocco GS3

La Marzocco GS3

Volume: Low

Barista Training: Intermediate

Number of Groups: 1

Configurations: AV or MP

Price: Premium

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La Marzocco Linea Mini

La Marzocco Linea Mini

Volume: Low

Barista Training: Intermediate

Number of Groups: 1

Configurations: MP

Price: Premium

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Slayer Steam EP

Slayer Steam EP

Volume: Medium to High

Barista Training: Advanced

Number of Groups: 2 or 3

Price: Premium

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Slayer Steam LP

Slayer Steam LP

Volume: Medium to High

Barista Training: Advanced

Number of Groups: 2 or 3

Price: Premium

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Slayer Espresso v3

Slayer Espresso v3

Volume: Medium to High

Barista Training: Intermediate

Number of Groups: 2 or 3

Price: Premium

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Slayer Single Group

Slayer Single Group

Volume: Low to Medium

Barista Training: Intermediate

Number of Groups: 1

Price: Premium

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La Cimbali M26

La Cimbali M26

Volume: Medium to High

Barista Training: Intermediate

Number of Groups: 1, 2 or 3

Configurations: BE, SE or TE

Price: Midrange

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Visacrem La Nera

Visacrem La Nera

Volume: Medium

Barista Training: Intermediate

Number of Groups: 1 or 2

Configurations: AV

Price: Budget

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