Our Los Angeles office maintains a vast inventory of parts and is prepared to provide direct service for café equipment repairs throughout Southern California.
Our warehouse is filled with a diverse selection of espresso machines, grinders, and brewers from top brands like La Marzocco, La Cimbali, Eversys, Mazzer, Fetco, and Slayer.
We offer professional consultation services and personalized solutions to clients of all backgrounds. Feel free to send us a message below!
Espresso Services Inc.
2922 Worthen Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90039
We’ve worked with ESI for all our equipment purchases for the last 10 years. ESI legitimately cares about the success of our small business, and has helped with every equipment and service need we’ve had, big or small!
Anthony Jones - Owner
We help independent operations every step of the way, from opening day to long term support.
We partner with roasters to assist them in identifying the best specialty coffee equipment for their clients' needs.
We streamline the equipment selection process to ensure scalability and convenience for larger operations.
We are a trusted supplier of everything you need to look like - and become - an espresso professional.
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