The quality of an espresso shot involves a lot of factors. Most people focus on the espresso machine or the quality of the coffee being used. However, as important in the production of a perfect shot of espresso is, the coffee grinder and the quality of the unit play an equally important role. Espresso requires a very fine, consistent coffee grind to brew correctly, and thus a specifically designed and engineered professional grinder is required. Choosing the correct size and model for speed, efficiency, and consistent quality to match up with your espresso machine and peak demand is key.
When it comes to the water used in the espresso process, the consideration for taste, odor, and particulate matter should not be the only concern. While the filtration process should always be included in ice and drink preparation, it is not the only precaution that should be taken.
The use of hard water (7 grains of hardness or greater) can prove itself to be a costly endeavor, as it leads the breakdown of equipment and the further pain of potentially having a business temporarily out of operation for machine repairs. If you choose to open your business in a location that has hard water, you...
In most markets it’s a good idea to shop as locally as possible, and the world of commercial espresso machines is no exception. Being clientele of a local espresso equipment vendor provides several advantages, including the ability to take a hands-on approach to your buying process. You have the opportunity to talk to their current customers and personally view the machines they sell. Additionally, the cost of ordering and time wasted on shipping are substantially reduced, not to mention the elimination of risk you would take if you were unsatisfied with your...