The "specialty" appeal of specialty coffee has already been established, and consumers have now come to expect high-quality, great-tasting product. To meet customer expectations, retailers focus on creating exciting beverage offerings prepared by knowledgeable employees and served in an ambience that is inviting. While all can directly affect your business' bottom line, one of the most fundamental requirements to create these specialty beverages is to have the appropriate equipment. Therefore, the decision on which equipment to purchase should not be taken lightly. Be it an espresso machine, coffee brewer, You'll need to make a capital investment in equipment prior to opening opening for business. To do this, you should look at the purchase of your equipment as a long-term investment, one that includes not only the initial purchase price, but the more intangible service and maintenance costs, the depreciation value, and the life expectancy of the equipment. Aside from the cost, just as important is the quality of the beverage the machine produces. Your business' growth potential will be seriously limited by a low product quality. If you've consistently served a bitter espresso or lukewarm latte, chances are likely that customers won't return. Espresso is a well-defined product; a specified grind and a specific amount of coffee is used. It is then prepared as pressurized water is pressed through the ground and tamped coffee to extract the essence of the coffee. If the machine you have purchased cannot live up to the expectations you have set for brewing, it's obvious you have made the wrong choice. |